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Easy Pokemon to Teach Flash Too Ruby


Directional Pad (D-Pad): The Directional Pad (or D-Pad for short) is your navigation button. That is to say the D-Pad allows you to move your character around various areas, whether it be a town, city, forest or cave (et cetera), but it also allows you to navigate the various menus, both of the in-game and battle variety.


Start Button: The Start Button's primary function is to call up the main menu anytime when you're not in battle.

Select Button: Primarily, the Select Button is rarely used. It has a few in-game functions, but it's most important in-game function is when you set an item to the Select Button. When you do that, press Select at any point out of battle to use said item.

B Button: The B Button is known as the "cancel" or "back" button. In the various in-game and battle menus, if you select something and you don't to commit to that selection, press B to go back to the previous menu. This only works if your selection didn't make something happen. That is to say, once you select an attack in battle, you can't press B and go back - it's too late. But if you select an item in a menu and don't want to use it, press B to go back. Also, outside of battle and menus, once you obtain the Running Shoes, you can run around with them through towns, forests, caves and essentially anything outside of battle (except houses and other buildings) by pressing and holding down the B Button.

A Button: The A Button is used to search and confirm. Press the A Button in front of someone to talk to that person, press the A Button to pick something up off of the ground or table, or in the in-game and battle menus, pressing the A Button will confirm a selection, whether it be an attack or whatever. The A Button is also used to progress text when talking to someone, or end a conversation when it's over.

L Button: The L Button is not used in this game's standard button operation.

R Button: The R Button is not used in this game's standard button operation.

In-Game Menu

The "In-Game Menu" is the menu that appears on the right side of the screen when you press start at any time in the game outside of battle. Below is a list of what you will find in a "full" menu (meaning all options are unlocked), and explanations and information on each.


Pokédex: The Pokédex is a device that, once obtained, allows you to view in-depth information on all of the Pokémon you have fought, seen and own. They are found in order of their designated "Pokémon Number" and you can only see a Pokémon in the Pokédex, as originally said, if you've seen them, fought them, or if you yourself own them.

Once on the Pokédex list, you'll see a variety of Pokémon names and dashes. The names represent those Pokémon personally viewed or owned. If there's a Pokéball next to the name of a Pokémon, that means you own that particular Pokémon. If there is no Pokéball, that means you've only seen that Pokémon in battle, but haven't yet captured it. If you don't have a Pokémon captured, you can view its picture, but no other vital information is known on that Pokémon until you personally capture it and include it in your collection. That information is...

  • Page: Page represents the part of the Pokédex input for a particular Pokémon that includes his weight, height, and a little paragraph on him. The particular Pokémon's picture is also present. For a non-captured Pokémon, only his picture, name and number are present. No weight, height or type information will be available for non-captured Pokémon, and no paragraph information as well.
  • Area: Area represents the location in which you can capture the Pokémon in question. Go to Area and select it to view a map of the various Routes and town locations. The area that particular Pokémon can be captured (if any) will flash on the map. This option is available for both captured and non-captured Pokémon.
  • Cry: Cry represents the sound the Pokémon makes. It's more of a novelty and has no real use in the game, but it's fun to hear the unique sound each Pokémon makes. Select the Cry option and then play the cry to hear what that Pokémon sounds like. This option is available for both captured and non-captured Pokémon.
  • Size: Size represents the size of the Pokémon in relation to its trainer. Go to Size and select it to view a silohette picture of the trainer on the right and the Pokémon on the left. This is a comparison shot to show you how big the Pokémon is in comparison to the trainer, and vice versa. Since this comparison is based on actual height of the Pokémon, this option is only available for captured Pokémon.
  • Summary: Selecting Summary for a particular Pokémon will allow you to view the Pokémon's most vital stats, even more in-depth than found in a Pokédex entry. You will find things like his name, level, HP, type, abilities, trainer notes on that particular Pokémon, information on all of his attacks, and so on and so forth. A useful command if you want to learn more about what your particular Pokémon can do.
  • Switch: Selecting Switch doesn't do anything unless you select Switch, then put the cursor over another Pokémon, and select that Pokémon. When you do this, you'll switch the position of those two particular Pokémon. The primary use of this is to take an idle Pokémon from the right side of the screen and put it in the active position on the left side of the screen, although you can switch positions on the right side of the screen only as well.
  • Item: Each Pokémon can hold one Item with him into battle. Selecting the Item command for a particular Pokémon will allow you to give or take a particular Item from a Pokémon (most likely some sort of healing berry). Once equipped, the Pokémon will use his equipped Item in battle when he or she sees fit. It's good to have each of your Pokémon equipped with something, just in case! Remember, you can view information on Pokémon-only items, as well as all items, in the Item section as our guide. The link can be found in the image-map at the top of this document.
  • Cancel - Select Cancel to make the menu disappear. It's that simple.

Bag: The Bag is your character's location for all of the items in your inventory. The five types of items in the game are Items, Pokéballs, TMs & HMs, Berries, and Key Items. You can get more information on all of the items from your Bag in the Items section of this guide.



The Pokénav (or Pokémon Navigator) is a device that basically serves three purposes. You'll receive the Pokénav relatively early in your adventure. Once selected, you have the option to view the Hoenn Map, see the Condition of your Pokémon, or see information on the Trainer's Eyes, or the trainers you've fought thusfar.

  • Hoenn Map: Hoenn is the place this game takes place. Henceforth, the Hoenn Map is a map of all of the above-ground locations in the game. Take a look at the map, where you can get the locations of all of the Routes and Towns in the game. If you've already been to a location, you can select a town or location and get more in-depth information on that place. And remember, you can zoom both in and out of the map, to get a better view of a certain area, or a more full view of the entire map.
  • Condition: The Condition part of the Pokénav holds the information on each of your Pokémon's conditions. The five categories that are judged in Condition are Cool, Tough, Smart, Cute and Beauty. Each of your Pokémon will have individual stats on each of these areas, which changed based on care, battle experience, et cetera. It's pretty interesting to read up on each character on the circle charts for the Conditions, but the information isn't all that vital, or even important. Remember, you can view "Party Pokémon" to see the Condition of the up-to six Pokémon in your party at the time, or use Search to see the Condition of the rest of your Pokémon not in-party.
  • Trainer's Eyes: Trainers are the most elite of Pokémon-owning people in the game. Some people fight you with Pokémon, but not all of them are declared "Trainers." When a Trainer sees you however, whether it be in a town, in a gym, or on a particular route, you fight that trainer. This section of the Pokénav collects information on these trainers and battles. You can see the name of each Trainer you've fought and information on that Trainer and the Pokémon he or she chooses to use. On the left side of the screen, you can see the number of Trainers registered in the Pokénav, as well as the number of battles you've fought with the Trainers registered. Make sure to pay attention to this section, as it will let you know when Trainers want to fight you, and the general idea here is to put all of the Trainers in the game to shame!

[Your Name]:: The name you've given your character will be on the menu. This section basically brings you to your "Trainer Card" in which you see information on yourself. Basically, it says how much money you have, the number of Pokémon you own, and the amount of time you've been playing. Additionally, it has pictures of each badge you've gotten thusfar in the game. More of a novelty then a section of any real use.

Save:: Save's function is obvious. Like in any RPG (or similar game), select Save to save your progress to that point in the game. You can save at any time in the game, as long as you're not in battle.

Option:: The Option section discusses the various options in the game, including things like Text Speed, Battle Style, Sound, et cetera. You might want to fiddle with some of this stuff, but chances are you will keep things on their pre-set. If you're not happy with the controls in the game, however, this is the place to go to reconfigure your control settings.

Exit: Exit will remove the menu from your screen and bring you back to the game.


The buildings found in each town are unique, and each serves its own purpose. Below are the descriptions for important buildings in each town.

PC (Pokémon Center): The Pokémon Center (or PC for short) can be identified in towns and cities by its white exterior, red roof, and the P.C. sign on the outside of the building. In the Pokémon Center, you can do a lot. Just what can you do? Well...

  • Heal Your Pokémon - The primary thing you'll do in the Pokémon Center is heal your Pokémon, which can be done for free at any Pokémon Center. You can do this by talking to the nurse at the main desk on the bottom floor of all Pokémon Centers, beyond the tiled-Pokéball in front of the entrance. Talk to her and she'll offer to heal your party-Pokémon (the up-to six Pokémon in your active party). It's free, and you'll find yourself doing this often.
  • Personal Computer Functions - To the right of the healing desk is a computer console. When you activate this computer console, you can access a personal computer (PC) called Someone's PC, or a PC called [Your Name]'s PC. On Someone's PC, you can withdraw and deposit various Pokémon into and out of your party, and move Pokémon from one storage area to another. It's basically the computer you use to manage your stash of Pokémon. [Your Name]'s PC, on the other hand, is more of a personal-use computer. On this PC, you can check your e-mail (your character's e-mail, that is), and store and withdraw various items if you happen to be holding too much.
  • Trade With and Battle Your Friends - The top floor of all Pokémon Centers are dedicated to linking up with one or more friends to either trade or battle each other's Pokémon. You can talk to the characters behind the desks on the second floor to find out which serves what function. One will allow you to trade, while the others will allow you to battle your friends, et cetera.

Pokémart: The Pokémart is a store where you can buy all sorts of items, including healing items and the all important Pokéballs that will sustain your craving for capturing Pokémon. Make sure to visit these often to see if the Pokémarts updated their stock of items, or have anything new to offer. It's one of the only places you'll be spending your money, so don't be shy. Stock up on what you think you need, especially Potions, Antidotes and Pokéballs! You can identify the building in any town by its bluish-colored roof and white exterior, with a white Pokéball painted on the roof, and a sign on the building which says "Mart" in red letters.


Gyms are the place in towns where that particular town's resident Pokémon Master resides. These Pokémon Masters are called Gym Leaders, and they are the toughest of the tough. You'll need to challenge eight different Gym Leaders in eight different town Gyms to collect all eight Pokémon Badges that you'll need to complete the game. The Gym Leaders are the toughest foes in the game, with the best trained and strongest Pokémon at their command, so don't rush into battles with any Gym Leaders before being fully prepared, or they will put you in your place, quickly.

Other Buildings/Houses: Other than the three buildings above, the other buildings in the house are fairly random. Particular towns will have certain important buildings (like Rustboro City with the Devon Corporation building, or the character's hometown with the various laboratory buildings), but other than that, you'll find many houses where regular people reside. You can enter these houses and search for items, but make sure to talk to everyone in these buildings (and around the town) for information on what to do next! You'll be clueless if you don't talk to various characters (unless, of course, you're using our walkthrough), so try to talk to everyone both in domains and out of domains in order to collect information.


Capturing Pokémon

The art of capturing Pokémon is a no-nonsense craft that you will need to master if you ever hope to capture Pokémon. Different Pokémon have different resistances to being captured, as some are incredibly easy to capture, while others are next to impossible to capture. However, there are certain things that you should keep in mind.

1.) Weaken the Target Pokémon - Trying to capture a full-health Pokémon and make him your own is next-to-impossible, and it shouldn't be attempted. Why? Because you'll miss, and you'll waste a Pokéball in the process. What you'll want to do is weaken your Pokémon as much as you can. You can weaken him to 50% to make him vulnerable to capture, but lowering him to as low as 10%-15% is the best thing to do. Usually, when you encounter a Pokémon you want to capture, you'll want to switch out the Pokémon you currently have and put in your weakest party-ready Pokémon. This is so you don't kill the Pokémon before you capture it. Chip away at the Pokémon's health slowly, but surely. When the Pokémon gets to around 25% health, you can start throwing Pokéballs at it. If you miss, try again. If you miss again, weaken the Pokémon more, and when he's literally next to death, try again. You should capture it. If not, you might have encountered a strong-resistance Pokémon, or a rare Pokémon that'll need a stronger type of Pokéball to capture. And on that note...

2.) Use the Right Pokéball - The standard Pokéball will capture a vast majority of the Pokémon, as long as you've weakened them enough and tired them out. For some Pokémon, however, a stronger ball will be needed, such as a Great Ball or Premier Ball, amongst others. Don't waste these stronger Pokéballs, however. Try your regular Pokéballs several times, try weakening the enemy more, and try capturing it again before you waste a more powerful ball.

3.) Be Patient - If you kill a Pokémon when you're attempting to capture it, don't fret; it happens. With rare exceptions, you'll get the chance to capture that Pokémon again. Just simply run around the area where you originally ran into it, and chances are you'll run into it again. As a last resort, if you can't seem to find that Pokémon again, use the Hoenn Map in your Pokénav, or check out the entry for that Pokémon in your Pokédex to find more locations on where you can find that Pokémon, as well as more vital stats and information that might be of assistance in capturing that Pokémon. Exhaust all options before simply giving up on capturing a particular Pokémon!

4.) Once Captured, Don't Neglect! - Some Pokémon might not look like much. Some might not even have any attacks. But use that Pokémon in battle (switching it out after the battle starts if you have to, to get it half of the battle's experience) and build it up. Eventually, these weak Pokémon evolve into Pokémon that are so incredibly strong that it'll amaze you. That's why they're weak to begin with - they are meant to turn the player off from them so that they miss a Pokémon with incredible strength. Don't make that mistake, try to use all of your Pokémon fairly evenly and experience what each one brings to the table.

Ruby-Sapphire Differences
As was the case with Pokémon Red/Blue and Pokémon Gold/Silver, Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire are two games with the same plot and gameplay, but some differences. The differences lie primarily in the Pokémon available, but the list below will tell you just what's different, Pokémon and all.


  • The bad guys in Pokémon Ruby are known as Team Aqua/Magma .
  • The bad guys in Pokémon Sapphire are known as Team Aqua .
  • The objectives of the two above groups are completely different.
  • Each version of the game has six exclusive Pokémon that aren't available in the other. They are...

Pokémon Ruby

Pokémon Sapphire

Ruby-Sapphire-Emerald Differences

Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire are two games with the same gameplay as Emerald, but have some differences. The most obvious difference is in the Team Aqua/Magma story. The subtle differences lie primarily in the trainers you will battle, item location, and the Pokémon available. The Pokémon that can not be found in Emerald and where you can get them are:


How to get it
Trade from Pokemon Sapphire
Trade from Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire
Trade from Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire
Trade from Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire
Trade from Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire
Trade from Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire
Trade from Pokemon Ruby

Up Next: Battling

In This Wiki Guide

Pokemon Sapphire Version

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection - Exclusive Release Date Trailer

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection - Exclusive Release Date Trailer

Join Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection. Check out the trailer for the 13 TMNT titles and their Japanese versions, coming to PC via Steam, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch on August 30, 2022.The collection includes: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time (Arcade), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game (NES), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project (NES), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters (NES), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time (Super Nintendo), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters (Super Nintendo), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist (Sega Genesis), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters (Sega Genesis), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of The Foot Clan (Game Boy), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Back From The Sewers (Game Boy), and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue (Game Boy).


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